NEW ADHD club workshops

If you’ve been in the ADHD club for a while and want more direct support from me and to meet others in ADHD club.

Join ADHD club’s NEW monthly workshops!

In each 90 minute workshop you’ll:

✅ Learn about a specific ADHD topic with Charlotte

✅ Share your experiences with a supportive group of people in the ADHD club who get it.

✅ Get all the info in a workbook to take away with strategy ideas and self-coaching exercises

✅ Your questions answered in ADHD coach Q&A

ADHD club price: sign up for 3 workshops @ £25/month

Drop in workshop price: £40 per workshop



90 minute online (zoom) workshops include:
ADHD-friendly learning on the workshop topic led by me, to help you understand how it is impacting YOU

Group coaching: put our ADHD club brains together to dive deeper into the topic and co-create strategies.

Break out sessions: Small group (3-4) break out rooms to reflect on learning and share with people who get it

Q+A: Finish with a Q+A where you can ask me your questions from the session and get my support

How much?

ADHD club price £25 per month when you sign up for 3 workshops or £40 for a one off session.


ADHD club workshops are for anyone who’s curious about working better WITH ADHD, and wants to experience the magic of a room full of ADHDers who connect on a different level.

ADHD club is for anyone with ADHD (or who think they might be).


The next workshop is on Friday 2nd August at 12-1.30 pm and then Friday lunchtimes on the first Friday of each month.

How do I sign up?

Sign up for one workshop here for £40 per session.

Sign up for 3 workshops for £25 per session if paid monthly.

This summer’s ADHD club workshop program

September Workshop

Friday 6th Sep 12-1.30pm

Building confidence: discovering your ADHD strengths

Did you know ADHD is a superpower? The juries out on that one, but what we do know is there are many ADHD advantages. In this workshop we uncover your ADHD strengths and come up with practical strategies so you can use them more.

October Workshop

Friday 4th Oct 12-1.30pm

Getting your sh*t together: organisation, time & memory

Being organised with ADHD can be a challenge with up to a 30% delay in executive function, differences in time perception and more. In this session we discuss how ADHD-friendly organisation looks different and come up with plans for our individual organisational challenges.

November Workshop

Friday 8th Nov 12-1.30pm

Executive function 101: ADHD working strategies

Working with ADHD is impacted by a 30% delay in executive function, including self-awareness, impulsivity, motivation, planning & organisation, emotional regulation & memory. In this session we learn all about our own executive function and co-create strategies to work WITH our ADHD brains.

About ADHD club workshops:

ADHD club workshops are monthly workshops where you’ll learn about ADHD and connect with others who get it!

90 min Online LIVE workshops

90 minute online (zoom) workshops include:
ADHD-friendly learning around an ADHD topic led by me, to help you understand how it is impacting YOU

Group coaching: Come together to dive deeper into the topic and co-create strategies to build your personal 'Working with ADHD' Manual

Break out sessions: Small group (3-4 people) conversations to reflect and share with people who get it.

Q+A: Finish with a Q+A where you can ask me your questions from the session and get my support


At the end of the sessions there will be 30 mins Q&A

  • You’ll get the chance to ask me questions about your specific challenges and get ADHD coaching

  • Get peer support from others with ADHD who have faced the same challenges.

Resources 🤓

All ADHD club workshops come with information workbooks.

What’s in the information workbooks?

  • All the info from the session, so you don’t need to remember it during the session, or take notes

  • Self-coaching exercises so you can work out practical strategies to help with your ADHD challenges

  • Space for you to take your own notes

  • Resources for further reading

    Sessions will also be recorded so you can re-watch the session again.

OK, what do I get when I sign up?

✅ 1 x 90 minute workshop online (on zoom)

✅ 1 x workshop recording after the session so you can re-watch at any time

✅ 1 x information workbook with strategy ideas and self-coaching exercises

✅ Meet a community of like-minded ADHD clubbers who get it - and get the power of group ADHD thinking!

✅ Your specific questions answered in ADHD coach Q&A


Subscribe to our newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter

Thinking about joining the fun?

Join the ADHD club mailing list to be the first to know about ADHD workshops and more.

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

  • Anyone who's in the ADHD club! You don't need an official diagnosis, just curiosity about working on yourself. These workshops are safe spaces for us to learn and connect with the ADHD club community.

  • No! We believe that all diagnosis -official or self-diagnosis are valid so all are welcome.

  • On the first Friday of every month between 12-1.30pm. Sessions will also be recorded so you can watch on catch up.

  • Sessions will. be run by Charlotte to start with (see about section of the website). In future we may invite other ADHD coaches, but we'll see.

  • Email and we’ll get back to you!

“Thank you SO much for this morning’s session! It was such a relief to be around people going through similar issues and being able to share.”

Group session attendee - June 2024


Group coaching was a positive, validating and informative experience. A place to chat about your own experiences and hear about others. Can’t wait for the next one. ”

ADHD confidence club member January 2024


“I'm really grateful the session. I got so much out of it:  reassurance from others  to tips and tricks making things easier at work.”

NABS Workshop participant - June 2024
